PACMI to Present Scholarship Recipients

On Wednesday, August 9, 2017, the Polish American Congress of Michigan (PACMI) Scholarship Fund will host its annual Fund Raiser / Dinner, during which 2017 PACMI Scholarship Recipients will be presented.  The event will take place at Krakus Restaurant in Detroit (12900 Joseph Campau).  Doors open at 5:30 pm; dinner served at 6:00 pm.  Suggested contributions: $30.00 per person (contributions in excess of $20.00 are tax deductible).  For a contribution of $250.00 or more towards the Scholarship Fund, each donor will receive a document of their contribution.

Reservations can be made by August 2, by calling 313-365-9400 or 586-751-8168.

This year, the Polish American Congress of Michigan Scholarship Fund selected nine students which will be presented with scholarships.  They are: Danielle Miller (Oakland Univeristy; major: Health Science), Ewa Sztandera (University of Detroit Mercy; major: Nursing), Hanna Gove (Grand Valley State; major: Occupational Therapy), Agnieszka Miklasewicz (Western Michigan University; major: Law), Pamela Jablonski (University of Michigan; major: Business Admnistration), Natalia Jablonski (University of Michigan; major: Nursing), Karina Cieslak (Wayne State University; major: Bio-Chemistry), Evelina Kutyma (Unviersity of Michigan; major: Public Health).



We invite you to join fun crowd at the new and improved Pierogi Palooza II event , Friday, June 2, 2017, at the PNA Council 122 Hall, 10211 Conant in Hamtramck, MI 48212 (guarded parking).  Good food (including many varieties of pierogi to try) and your favorite beverages (all for very reasonable prices), lively entertainment, Polish merchandise for purchase, raffles, Polish heritage displays, and a true Polish American experience are all guaranteed from 4:00 pm to midnight. $2.00 gets you in with food and beverage options to purchase.  This is a FUNDRAISER for Polish American Congress Michigan, which is the umbrella organization of Polonia serving the Polish American community for over 70 years.  We were happy to host so many of you at last year’s successful event and hope to see you back this year.  Everyone is Welcome! Come Hungry and Bring your Dancing Shoes!  Feel free to share it with your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.  See you on June 2!



POLISH DAY PARADE ROAST – Come and support Polish Day Parade!

For more information, please call 313-365-9400.

KPA w Michigan oddaje hołd pamięci ofiar katastrofy smoleńskiej i zbrodni katyńskiej


HAMTRAMCK, MI – Kongres Polonii Amerykańskiej wydział na stan Michigan zaprasza na uroczystą Mszę św. ku pamięci ofiar masakry katyńskiej oraz katastrofy smoleńskiej.

Msza św. odbędzie się w niedzielę, 9 kwietnia, o godzinie 6:00 wieczorem w kościele św. Faustyny w Warren (14025 E. 12 Mile Road).

Msza św. uczci siódmą rocznicę katastrofy lotniczej, do której doszło w Smoleńsku w sobotę, 10 kwietnia 2010 roku.  Zginęło w niej 96 osób, wśród nich prezydent RP Lech Kaczyński z małżonką, ostatni prezydent RP na uchodźstwie Ryszard Kaczorowski, wicemarszałkowie Sejmu i Senatu, grupa parlamentarzystów, dowódcy wszystkich rodzajów Sił Zbrojnych RP, szefowie instytucji państwowych, duchowni, przedstawiciele ministerstw, organizacji kombatanckich i społecznych.  Była to druga pod względem liczby ofiar katastrofa w historii polskiego lotnictwa i największa pod względem liczby ofiar katastrofa w dziejach polskich Sił Powietrznych.  Katastrofy nie przeżyła żadna z osób obecnych na pokładzie.

Msza św. uczci także ofiary zbrodni katyńskiej, której w 1940 roku dopuściła się radziecka policja polityczna NKWD.  Na mocy decyzji najwyższych władz Związku Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckich NKWD rozstrzelała co najmniej 21 tysięcy obywateli Polski, w tym ponad 10 tysięcy oficerów wojska polskiego, których uznano za „wrogów władzy sowieckiej”.  Zabito ich strzałami w tył głowy.  W latach 1940–1990 władze ZSRR zaprzeczały swojej odpowiedzialności za zbrodnię katyńską, lecz 13 kwietnia 1990 roku oficjalnie przyznały, że była to „jedna z ciężkich zbrodni stalinizmu”.

Zapraszamy całą patriotyczną Polonię na tę ważną, uroczystą Mszę św.


HAMTRAMCK, MI – Michigański Wydział Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej (KPA) informuje, iż w soboty, w godzinach 10 am – 12:00 pm, w siedzibie KPA w Hamtramck organizowane są DYŻURY PRAWNICZE, w trakcie których współpracujący z KPA prawnicy oferują darmowe konsultacje prawne.


W najbliższych tygodniach dyżurować będą:

Sobota, 25 marca – Matt Wozniak

Sobota, 1 kwietnia – Annette Raczkowski


Aby umówić się na spotkanie z prawnikiem sugerujemy wcześniej zarejestrować się (choć nie jest to konieczne) dzwoniąc do biura KPA na numer telefonu 313-365-9400.  Siedziba KPA mieści się przy 11333 Joseph Campau w Hamtramck, MI.

Anna Bańkowska to lead Polish American Congress Michigan Division

HAMTRAMCK, MI – Anna Bańkowska was elected the President of the Polish American Congress Michigan Division (PAC-MI) at the annual membership meeting on Saturday, March 18, 2017, at the PNA Hall in Hamtramck.

Bańkowska was the only nominated candidate for the position of PAC-MI President.  It will be her second term as the leader of the Michigan Division of the Polish American Congress.

Bańkowska is following in the footsteps of her father, Kazimierz Olejarczyk, who passed away three year ago.  Mr. Olejarczyk devoted his entire adult life to Polish American Congress (for 16 years her served as the President of the organization).

The election of officers and board members was conducted by the Nominating Committee led by Hon. Judge John Chmura.

Barbara Lemecha was re-elected Executive Vice President, while Barbara Gronet and Christopher Adamczyk were once again elected as Vice President for American and Polish Affairs. Tomasz Wolski will again serve as the Treasurer.

Anna Huk-Glaeser was elected Recording Secretary (for Board Meeting) and Donna Bielecki will assume the position of the Recording Secretary (for Membership Meetings). Jolanta Bujny will serve as the Corresponding Secretary.

Jerzy Rozalski, Zdzislaw Jurek and Henrietta Nowakowski (with Barbara Lemecha as alternate) were elected as National Directors.

18 members were elected State Directors. They are: Wladyslaw Bankowski, Joan Baritche, Janusz Dabrowski, Frank Dmuchowski, Chester Szczotka, Stanislawa Jakobek, Richard Lapham, Jerzy Rozalski, Alicja Karlic, Thomas Schemanski, Stella Szczesny, Mary Ellen Tyszka, Miroslaw Wawrysz, Richard Konrad, Joseph Kalankiewicz, Gena Jurek, Marcia Lewandowski and Stefan Zmuda.

The individuals elected to the Audit Committee include Waldemar Raczkowski, Edward Nizienski and Richard Lapham.

The newly elected Officers and members of the Board will officially take their positions on Saturday, April 8, during the swearing-in ceremony at the PNA Hall in Hamtramck. The event, which starts at 1:00 pm, will also include a delicious dinner and a presentation of PAC Awards.  The PAC will honor organizations marking significant anniversaries and individuals that contribute to Detroit’s Polish American community.  The awards will be presented to the Polish Falcons of America Nest 31, Our Lady Queen of Apostles Parish, Friends of Polish Art, Polish Century Club of Detroit, Polish American Veterans Association District VI, Saint John Paul II Polish Language School, Rev. Jozef Dabrowski Polish Language School, Klub Polonia, Stan’s Grocery, Jolanta Gmurowska, Carolyn Wietrzykowski and Ludwik Zabicki.

Tickets for the Installation of Ceremony and Award Ceremony ($40) can be reserved by calling PAC office: 313-365-9400.

National PAC newsletter features a story about Michigan Division’s activities

The February edition of the National Polish American Congress newsletter featured a story about activities of our Division.  This time, we submitted a story about our planned events commemorating the bicentennial anniversary of the death of Tadeusz Kosciuszko.  Click on the link below to read the story (and to read many other interesting articles featured in the newsletter).



The exhibition “Pride of Poland” will be on display at the American Polish Cultural Center (2975 E. Maple Road, Troy, MI 48083) on Saturday, February 11, 2017 (during the annual Polish Folk Dance Festival).

The exhibit, created by the Grand Rapids Polish Heritage Society, celebrates Poland’s historical, scientific, military, cultural and sports contributions to America and the world, including:

  • winged warriors who routed the Turkish invaders at Vienna
  • the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to win the prize twice, in two different sciences
  • fliers and aircrews that defended England in the Battle of Britain
  • the brilliant mathematicians who broke the Nazi Enigma system
  • famous Polish American sports and entertainment figures

Learn much more about Poland, its history and its influence by visiting the “Pride of Poland” Exhibit in the east hallway of the American Polish Cultural Center.


all kinds of things.pmd

A new program for parents and guardians with children suffering from dyslexia, hyperactivity, problems with concentration, delayed speech development.  Read the flyer and call Agnieszka Ubysz, MS, to find out more information (586-244-9205).

National PAC newsletter features a story about Michigan Division’s activities

We invite you to read the new national PAC newsletter, which this time features a story about our Division’s activities.  We have submitted an article about one of our recent events – honoring teachers of Polish language schools in our area – and the editors of the national newsletter chose to include it in that publication.  You can read the story and the entire December 2016 PAC Newsletter by clicking on the link below: