Special Invitation

Dear PAC-MI members and Friends of Polonia!

We are happy to invite you to a special wreath laying ceremony to take place next Saturday, October 7, 2023, at 3:00pm at the statue of Mikołaj Kopernik, Nicholas Copernicus, world famous genius and astronomer, the Father of Modern Astronomy. The ceremony will mark and celebrate this year’s 550th anniversary of Copernicus’ birth.

The statue is located on the grounds of the Detroit Main Library, at Woodward and W. Kirby. Kopernik’s statue was dedicated and placed there in 1973, to mark the 500th anniversary of his birth in 1473.

A photograph is here attached along with our invitation.

Please join us to remember and to honor this remarkable son of Poland. Spread the word and invite friends and family to come October 7, 2023.

Serdecznie zapraszamy Polonię na spotkanie i złożenie wieńca przy pomniku naszego wielkiego syna Polski, Mikołaja Kopernika, w tym roku Kopernikowskim, uznając 550 lat od jego urodzenia!

Do zobaczenia o 3:00 pp obok głównej biblioteki Detroit, przy ulicy Woodward i W. Kirby, w sobotę, 7 października!


Ann Bankowski, President

Polish American Congress
Michigan Division
Ph.:(313) 365-9400