Archives for June 30, 2019

Significant Jamestown Anniversary

It happened 400 years ago, in 1619, that the first ever workers strike took place in the New World.  That year English settlers in the colony of Jamestown, Virginia were granted the right to vote in colonial America.  The colony, however, was settled by craftsmen and industry specialists from other countries, notably Poles, to come work at the colony since 1608, recruited to develop this settlement.  The Poles specialized in making soap-ash, glass, lumber milling, naval stores, and mining. Upon learning that they were deprived of representation, the Polish artisans, whose contributions to the settlement were inestimable, organized a work stoppage.  In response to this civil action by the Poles, court records for The Virginia Company of London, of July 21 1619, thus declared “It is now agreed they shall be enfranchised and made as free as any inhabitant whatsoever”.

Sunday, July 21, the very date of the Poles’ gaining the right to vote, Polish American Congress-Michigan is hosting a 400th anniversary celebration to honor the brave example demonstrated by these industrious Polish craftsmen, in their efforts to gain their own individual freedom.  It will take place on the campus of the Orchard Lakes Schools, 3535 Commerce Rd, Orchard Lake, MI 48324.

Come hear the rest of the story!

At 11:00 am, enjoy an interesting program at the campus Adam Maida Alumni Library, featuring expert presentations about Jamestown, informative exhibits, souvenirs, and refreshments, culminating with a glass blower’s demonstration.

At 1:00 pm there will be a bilingual mass in the St. Mary of Orchard Lake Shrine Chapel, followed by a mini piano concert of music of Polish emigrants, including selections by Frederic Chopin and Paderewski.

Everyone is welcome and admission is free.  More information can be obtained on the PAC-MI Division website,, or by calling the event chairman, Richard Lapham, at 313-443-1560.




W tym roku POLONIA obchodzi 400-lecie historycznego wydarzenia w Nowym Świecie.

W roku 1619, w angielskiej kolonii Jamestown, Virginia, utalentowani rzemieślnicy z Polski, sprowadzeni do pracy i rozwoju kolonii, urządzili pierwszy „strajk” robotniczy, aby osiągnąć swoje prawo do głosu w tym osiedlu.

Głos im przyznano 21-go lipca 1619 r.

Kongres Polonii Amerykańskiej w Michigan, wraz z Polską Misją w Orchard Lake, celebrują to unikalne wydarzenie.


Zapraszamy Polonię do Zakładów Naukowych w Orchard Lake

(3535 Indian Trail pomiędzy Orchard Lake i Commerce Rd.)


Niedziela, 21-go lipca 2019 r.

11:00 rano- ciekawy i informacyjny program w bibliotece, oraz wystawy, poczęstunek, i demonstracja szklarza;

1:00 pp.- Msza Św. (dwujęzyczna) w głównej kaplicy NMP

Koncert fortepianowy muzyki Polskich emigrantów po mszy.

Wstęp wolny.

 Celebrujcie z Nami!